Can dogs eat cat treats? Everything you need to know
By Dr Joanna Woodnutt MRCVS last updated
Advice Our expert vet addresses the question: can dogs eat cat treats? And the answer may surprise you
Worried your dog will find the holidays stressful? Try out this expert's tips to help your canine stay calm this Christmas
By Adam England published
Training tips The upcoming festivities can be stressful for dogs too, but these simple tips will help them cope
32 best dog breeds for warm climates
By Martha Terry published
FEATURE These are the best dog breeds for warm climates in all shapes and sizes.
10 great brain games for dogs
By Dr Joanna Woodnutt MRCVS last updated
Advice These vet-approved brain games for dogs will give your pup a great mental workout and help them learn new skills too!
Cane Corso vs Boerboel: Which breed should you choose?
By David Crookes last updated
Advice Both come with a reputation but knowing the subtle differences between the Cane Corso vs Boerboel will help you find the perfect protective pal
34 best dogs for extroverts
By Kathryn Williams published
FEATURE The best dogs for extroverts are friendly, loving, and up for any adventure!
Worried about the Christmas tree? This trainer's tips will keep your dog away
By Adam England published
Training Get your pup used to the Christmas tree gradually, and get some training practice in there too!
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